Tuesday, September 13, 2016

We're Deplorable (per Hillary) / Dr Ben's Rebuttal


In a very telling moment, Hillary Clinton maligned me and millions of other Americans as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic "deplorables."

I'm so tired of this line of attack that normally taunts conservatives. Well let me be very specific in my response. I believe in expanding opportunity, not welfare; that's not racist.

I believe every life is worth protecting, particularly the unborn; that doesn't make me sexist.

I believe marriage is between one man and one woman; that's not homophobic.

I believe in borders, the rule of law and our sovereign right to decide who to let into our country; that's not xenophobic.

I believe radical Islam is a mortal threat to America and Western civilization; that is common sense, not Islamophobia.

My nationwide Fight for the Court project is about explaining and protecting our Constitutional values. As you can see, they're under constant assault, and if we allow the Left to institutionalize their vision of a European-style, government-dominated, secular society through our courts, we are going to lose our country for a generation.

If you're tired of being vilified for believing in the Constitutional, Judeo-Christian values that made America great, please help me send a message by making a secure donation of any amount right now.

We must use moments like this as opportunities because this is not just name-calling. The Left is using every tool at their disposal to whitewash our history and undercut our institutions.

The difference is that I believe in our nation as it was founded. I believe in "We the People," but it requires us to constantly reach out, inform, and mobilize conservatives.

There are a lot of challenges before us and a lot of problems to solve. I've decided to concentrate on a few. Fight for the Court is about protecting our Constitutional values.

Elections every few years are our opportunity to correct course if necessary, but the Supreme Court can be lost for a generation or more.

I ask you to make a secure donation to this effort today so we can continue our fight.

Thank you for your commitment.


Ben Carson
Chairman, Fight for the Court

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