Thursday, October 31, 2019

Small Group Prayer List 10/3119

Hey Small Group,

Here is our small group most current prayer list.
Please remember we will not be meeting next Wednesday 11/6/2019.

Romeo & LaRue

Small Group Prayer List    10/3119

Becky- Good Dr. report.

LaRue’s family—salvation

LaRue—Rob & family --Salvation
Phil Comfort’s daughter in law- salvation & deliverance from evil.
Marcella- Next door neighbor Marylyn for salvation.
Betty- Amos’s son’s problems with addiction and depression.
Bill- Missionary’s Ed Henn family at Clemson University – Campus Outreach Mission.
  Mark- Cousin Beth Ann has Gallbladder cancer. At John Hopkins for trial study. Chemo is not working.
Betty- Youngest daughter Beth with two daughters has moved out of the marital home in Charlotte, NC.
Ginny- Grandson Jonah dealing with depression and anxiety issues and son and daughter-in-law dealing with this stress.
Rob- Jan a friend who has cancer.
Betty- Daughter Beth has melanoma cancer on her leg.
LaRue- Elaine Kitchen has a pulmonary disease and has been given four year to live.
Betty- Granddaughter Brook’s son Parker having severe learning issues and will need special schooling.
  Pray that Brook will continue to be able to handle the situation.
Bob- Daughter having problems with her 6-yr. old son and they are now going to counseling.

Mark- Paul Banta now home for rehab.

John- Horrible treatment of President Trump by the left and the press.
Mary Vett- Prayer for Ed with all his physical health issues.
John- Pray for safety of Israel.
Mark- Cousin Dean Owens has breast cancer. Currently having chemo and radiation treatments.
Betty- Lynn Rhinehart dealing with pancreatic cancer that has returned. Had lobe of one lung removed and possible cancer in one breast. John Rhinehart her husband needs prayer also for peace.
Rob- Friend Duard Walker who is 95 just had a stroke.
LaRue- Bob McCray has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Radiation implants will be inserted in January.
Mark- Gustaine Butler that he will be strong enough to attend the Butler family reunion.
Rob- Mitzi Greens father has pneumonia.

LaRue- Tim Parker for multiple health problems.

Mark- Need more people to come for singing and visiting of the elderly at Lakes of Litchfield this Sunday 2-3 PM.
Becky- Son coming from California and daughter from Asheville, NC to visit. First time to have them at home for many years and very anxious.
Mary M- Friend Mary just had a pet scan to determine the source of her cancer.
Mary M- Friend Susan going to oncologist to check on cancer.

Marcella- Friend Helen estranged from her daughter and three grandchildren for forty years pray to be reunited.

Romeo- Mary Vett fell yesterday. Damage not yet fully assessed.
Romeo- Ed having serious physical health issues from injures in Vietnam.
Romeo- LaRue for healing of her broken ankle.

The Whistleblower Gets Whistleblown.


The Whistleblower Gets Whistleblown.

“This thing stunk when we first found out that the whistleblower didn’t even have firsthand knowledge of the call. If he’s Biden and Brennan’s puppet the stench becomes permanently toxic.”
The fact that villains this obvious and this inept occupy such positions of power doesn’t speak well of our republic.

Department of Transportation in Total Disarray. (Michelle Obama)


Department of Transportation in Total Disarray.

“CDOT Executive Director: Shoshana Lew, a history major in college, became the head of CDOT at age 35 with no engineering or construction management experience due to political connections in Washington, D.C.”
The convergence of two events has turned CDOT upside down. The first was the Orwellian named “Keep Jobs in Colorado Act of 2013.” Previously under CRS Sec. 24-92-109 all public projects in excess of $50,000 had to be “awarded by competitive bid.” The drawbacks to this method include occasional “bid rigging” by competing contractors. In addition, so-called “change orders” can drive up costs of a competitively bid project. But overall this method, which was used for decades by CDOT, was the least subjective and generally viewed fairest method to have projects completed at the lowest cost.
The 2013 act substituted the “lowest bid” method with the so-called “best value” model in which bids come in as either (1) Design Build; or (2) Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC). While these techniques have various theoretical advantages, especially for unique highly complex projects, including potentially cutting down the time to complete a project, it is a highly subjective selection process with the opportunity for corruption massively increased. To prevent cronyism and exorbitant cost increases, it requires high expertise and absolute diligence on the part of CDOT. What CDOT got was the exact opposite.
Lew’s primary qualification, according to insiders, was her close relationship to Michelle Obama who called the newly elected governor for a favor — find a job for Shoshana Lew. Lew is the daughter of President Obama’s Chief of Staff and later Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew.
In a word: Democrats.


A transnational elite racing its way to a revolution.

In America and around the world, a transnational elite postures for itself and despises the people it rules. This is a recipe for a bloody revolution.
Back in 1992, when I was a Democrat, I remember that one of cheers that Bill Clinton liked to use at his rallies to get the audience revved up was, “It’s time for them to go” — with “them” referring to the Republicans who had held the White House for 12 years, to America’s tremendous social and economic benefit.

I don’t look back fondly on the Clinton years, and regret my votes at the time, but I like that theme. Across the world, as weary, beaten-down people look at a ruling class that sees them as despicable, dirty deplorables, these ordinary people, these normals, need to rise up and say, “It’s time for them to go.”

And here’s a word of warning to the ruling class: You managed to keep a lid on things for seven decades after WWII. The people’s discontent, though, is boiling. Bad things happen when the pressure from that boiling finally blows off that tightly pressed lid. I suggest that the Western world’s ruling class, as well as the ruling class in China and the Middle East, gracefully backs away from the levers of power before its members get their greedy, smug little hands blown off of those same levers.
Read the whole thing.

'Your Past Is Terrible, And Your Future Is Terrible': What the Left Tells Young Americans

'Your Past Is Terrible, And Your Future Is Terrible': What the Left Tells Young Americans

Dennis Prager
Posted: Oct 29, 2019  

Here are some of the messages the left has been giving America's young people:
-- Your past is terrible, and your future is terrible.
The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism. You should be ashamed of it.
As regards your future, your very existence is in jeopardy. You may well die at a young age unless society completely shifts from fossil fuels to wind and solar power. In fact, your future is so bleak you should probably not consider getting married and having children.
-- If you are a girl, you should know that American society has contempt for you. You will be paid less than a man for the exact same work and exact same number of hours of work. You will have between a 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 chance of being sexually assaulted if you attend college. There is a glass ceiling that will prevent you from professional success. And professional success, not marriage and family, is what you should concentrate on.
That none of the above is true is irrelevant to the left. What is relevant to the left is that these messages make young women leftists -- because they make them angry (virtually all leftists are angry), sad (there are happy liberals and happy conservatives but very few happy leftists) and lonely (singles are overwhelmingly on the left).
-- If you are a young black, the most important thing for you to know is that this country loathes you -- that racism is "part of our DNA," as President Barack Obama put it -- and that just being black gets you suspended or expelled from school, shot by police, denied the vote whenever possible and disproportionately imprisoned.
Again, almost none of that is true. But a happy black -- let alone a black grateful for being an American -- is much less likely to support the left.
-- If you are a young Latino, know the white majority is so xenophobic that if it could, it would expel you from the country.
-- If you are a white male, you are the recipient of unearned privilege, and you are a racist.
-- Boys and girls, you need to know from as young an age as possible that there is actually no such thing as "boys and girls." That is why your teachers have been told not to refer to you as "boys and girls" but only as "students."
-- Young people, you should know that there is no God. So don't look to God or religion for meaning. They are for the emotionally handicapped and for intellectual lightweights. For meaning, look to social action.
-- Christianity, the religion of the great majority of Americans since America's founding, the religion of nearly all your parents or grandparents, justified slavery, the slaughter of Native Americans and the persecution of gays. And in our time, most people who call themselves believing Christians are bigots and hypocrites. Whatever good was achieved was done so by believers with secular Enlightenment values, not Judeo-Christian values. Islam, on the other hand, has always been a religion of peace.
-- Western civilization is nothing for you to be proud of. It is neither culturally nor morally superior to any other civilization or culture. And in many ways, it is worse: It is largely a record of persecution and genocide. That's why you will no longer celebrate Columbus Day but rather Indigenous Peoples Day.
-- Columbus Day will not be the only national holiday we will either erase or minimize in importance. Whereas Americans have always had meaningful holidays to celebrate and enrich their lives, you will have few or none (aside from Halloween). Previous generations found great meaning in Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays. You won't. Their birthdays are no longer celebrated. Throughout American history, July Fourth meant a great deal to nearly all Americans. They celebrated it with patriotic marches, parades and speeches. No longer. Anyway, America wasn't founded in 1776: According to The New York Times, it was founded in 1619, when the first slaves arrived. As for Memorial Day, this once solemn day in which Americans placed flowers at the graves of those who died to preserve our freedoms, is just another day off. And most of the deceased probably died in vain anyway.
-- You have few American heroes.
Hey, kids, America's founders, known as heroes to every generation until the present one, were not heroes at all. They were rich white men who believed in patriarchy, the suppression of women and slavery. They were all racists, and some were rapists. In short, as an American, you have few, if any, heroes.
Only when one understands that the left -- the left, not liberalism -- has always and everywhere been a destructive force can one begin to understand what is happening to America. And the left has damaged no group more than America's youth. Leftists speak about "the children" -- but they care about "the children" as much as the communists cared about "the workers."
Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in April 2018, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on the book of Exodus. His film, "No Safe Spaces," comes to theaters fall 2019. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at
Dennis Prager's Latest Book The Rational Bible: Genesis is a #1 Best Seller on Amazon

Current Reality: Not What it Used to Be

Makes you think about which way we are being pushed:

I used to think I was just a regular person, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist. 

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist. 

I am heterosexual, which now makes me a homophobe. 

I am mostly non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business. 

I was christened by my parents, which now labels me as an infidel. 

I am retired, which makes me useless. 

I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much of what the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary. 

I am proud of my heritage, which makes me a xenophobe. 

I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist. 

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist. 

I (and most of the folks I know), acquired a fair education without student loan debts and little or no debt, which makes me some kind of an odd underachiever. 

I believe in the defense and protection of my country and I honor those who served in the Armed Forces, which now makes me a right wing-militant. 

Please help me come to terms with the new me... because I'm just not sure who the hell I am anymore!

Funny’s all just taken place within the past 10 to 15 years!

As if all this nonsense wasn’t enough to deal with ... 
Nowadays I’m not even sure, which toilet to go into.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lindsey Graham Eviscerates Susan Rice After She Calls Him a ‘Piece of Sh*t’

Lindsey Graham eviscerated former National Security Advisor Susan Rice with a rundown of her own resume following crude remarks she made about the Senator earlier this week.
In a preview clip of an interview for ‘Pod Save The World,’ a podcast hosted by Obama acolytes Tommy Vietor and Ben Rhodes, Rice attacked Graham while discussing the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi.
“He’s been a piece of s***,” Rice astonishingly said. “I said it, I said it, da** it. Finally. He’s a piece of s***.”
Such vulgar words are usually reserved for people who continually lie in order to cover up the deaths of four Americans on their watch, or unmasks an opposing candidate, proceeds to make other lies and misuses of power and the day she left office wrote herself a memo stating she did nothing wrong, and try to get America to accept a nuclear North Korea. You know someone precisely like Susan Rice.
It didn’t take long for Graham to fire back. And all he needed to one-up the vulgar Rice was rehash her most significant accomplishments as Obama’s National Security Advisor.
Graham accurately portrayed Rice as a “walking, talking national security disaster” who was a consistent failure at her job serving during the Obama administration.
The South Carolina Republican not only noted the Benghazi disaster but ticked off other greatest hits spearheaded by Rice, including the Syrian ‘red line’ and the Rwandan genocide.
“If she agreed with me, I would wonder what I did wrong!” he quipped.