Tuesday, May 16, 2023

John Durham exposes the whole anti-Trump caper


John Durham exposes the whole anti-Trump caper.

The moral is that democracy is all well and good, but only so long as the voters select a candidate we approve of. Somehow, Donald Trump was elected without the permission — indeed, over the strenuous objections — of the permanent bureaucracy. The whole Trump-Russia narrative was concocted to correct that mistake.

At the end of the day, the Durham report contains few real revelations. Anyone who has been paying attention already knew most of what he details. But it does dot some I’s and cross some T’s. And what will happen now? People will pore over the the report and shake their heads and cluck their tongues. James Comey will be busy cashing his royalty checks and nattering on about his “higher loyalty.” Barack Obama will continue to enjoy his palatial residence on Martha’s Vineyard. Perhaps Joe Biden will be pushed into an adult nursery somewhere so that Michelle Obama can continue the legacy.

Will “those responsible” be “held accountable?” If you think the answer is yes, then I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.


 Majority see FBI as Biden’s ‘personal Gestapo’ after Trump raid.


The ghost of Walter Duranty flashes a Pinch of a smile.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Hunter Biden - Follow the Money Trail (to Biden Family)

 Hunter Biden - Follow the Money Trail (to Biden Family)

Comer with the Evidence - Biden is a Convict


 SAN FRANCISCO MORPHED INTO DETROIT SO SLOWLY, I HARDLY EVEN NOTICED: Spiraling in San Francisco’s Doom Loop. What it’s like to live in a city that no longer believes its problems can be fixed:

A note to my fellow San Franciscians: I’m sorry. I know. There’s always some story in the east-coast press about how our city is dying. San Franciscians hate—HATE—these pieces. You’re a stooge and a traitor for writing one. When I set out reporting, I wanted to write a debunking-the-doom piece myself. Yet to live in San Francisco right now, to watch its streets, is to realize that no one will catch you if you fall. In the first three months of 2023, 200 San Franciscans OD’ed, up 41 percent from last year.“It’s like a wasteland,” the guard said when I asked how San Francisco looked to him. “It’s like the only way to describe it. It’s like a video game — like made-up shit. Have you ever played Fallout?”

I shook my head.

“There’s this thing in the game called feral ghouls, and they’re like rotted. They’re like zombies.” There’s only so much pain a person can take before you disintegrate, grow paranoid, or turn numb. “I go home and play with my wife, and we’re like, ‘Ah, hahahaha, this is SF.’”

As NRO’s Jay Nordlinger wrote in 2010 wrote in 2010 when the original Detroit was making headlines and photo spreads thanks to its Hiroshima-like bombed out landscape, “If people are voting a certain way — maybe it’s because they want to. Maybe they know full well what they’re doing. Sometimes you have to take no — such as ‘no to Republicanism’ — for an answer.”