Saturday, March 1, 2014

Allen West Pens Scathing Op-Ed Hammering Obama, Hagel

Two Mental Leprechauns’: Allen West Pens Scathing Op-Ed Hammering Obama, Hagel

Former Republican Congressman Allen West slammed President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel in his column Friday, calling the pair “two mental leprechauns” accusing them of moving to “shrink our military capacity.”

West, seemingly reacting to Hagel’s Monday proposal to shrink the army to its smallest size in 74 years, contended it is impossible to replace the American soldier with technology.

“All those progressive socialist experts say we don’t need a big military. We can use our technology. To that I will respond that the most highly technical weapon on the battlefield is the individual well-trained warrior,” the conservative firebrand wrote in a post published on his website. “We have been down this road before in America, as history does indeed repeat itself for those who fail to learn from it.”

Further arguing that “Obama and Hagel provide no strategic vision for the 21st century battlefield,” West said he thinks the president is intentionally acting in such a manner.
“…spending on domestic welfare nanny-state programs is more important to progressive socialists…”

“Is Obama doing this intentionally? There can be no other answer than yes,” he wrote. “Why? Because just like Bill Clinton, spending on domestic welfare nanny-state programs is more important to progressive socialists — after all, they want power, they need votes.”

The former Congressman concluded, saying Obama “lacks integrity, character, and moral courage” and warned that “the American flag is being lowered and replaced with a white flag.”

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