Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sweden: ‘Fascism is coming’ : Glenn Beck 12/08/15

Glenn from Sweden: ‘Fascism is coming’ 
      by Ted 
Tuesday, Dec 8, 2015 at 1:13 PM EST  

During his “whirlwind” trip traveling across Europe and the Middle East, Glenn made a stop in Sweden to document what is going on there with regard to the refugee crisis. Glenn called into his radio program from Sweden Tuesday to share what he’s been seeing with listeners. “This is probably the most tolerant place as far as immigration in the world,” Glenn said. 
He went on to describe how in the 1980s, Sweden decided to open its arms and offer “free everything” to all immigrants, including free lessons in the Swedish language. “They just expected people to assimilate and matriculate into Swedish citizens,” Glenn said. “What they didn’t understand was, there’s no intention of becoming Swedish for most of these people.” 
Glenn said Sweden is now at a tipping point where the Swedish people will be the minority within the next 10-12 years. “They’re currently being taught that there is no Swedish culture — that’s what they’re teaching their students — there is no inherent Swedish culture,” Glenn said. “And the Muslim culture is a culture that is deep and rich with meaning, but not the Swedish culture.” 

He went on to talk about the rise of fascism in Sweden and other European countries, where people are begging their governments, saying, “You don’t understand, fascism is coming because you won’t listen to the people.” 

Watch the clip below for more.

Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/12/08/is-sweden-on-the-brink-of-losing-its-culture/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link

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