Saturday, December 26, 2015

Glenn Beck - Nazaren Project

Johnnie Moore, the project head of The Nazarene Fund, just sent me the photos from today's Mass and gathering of the Christians YOU just saved from crucifixion, beheading, slavery and torture.
Because we stopped waiting for someone else to do what we all know needs to be done, our first 150 Christians were relocated in Slovakia.
We are paying to relocate, set them up for a year, give them training and culture and language classes.
They have all been vetted and for safety reasons ONLY they are all Christians. We figure it is better to save some than stand around arguing and saving none.
So we begin here. The Arab states can easily take the Muslims who need to flee.
Here are the photos of the people who would not be alive today if it wasn't for you. Celebrating the Birth of Christ with family.
Dare I ask: Where are the Presidents photos of how his refugees spent America's Holiest day?
We can no longer say we didn't know. 

CNN is reporting today that the Christians are "disappearing" in the Middle East, as if David Copperfield is doing a show.

The Pope said in his Christmas address: "these are the Martyrs of our day"
The president refuses to even address it.
We can no longer claim "we didn't know." From here on out will will have to say: "I knew but I chose not to get involved".
This is the Armenian genocide, the awful Holodomor in the Ukraine and the Jewish holocaust of our day.
Our Government won't even condemn the first two genocides because of political games.
We must not make the same mistake. We knew about all three of those and did nothing. We knew what was happening to the Jews in 1939 but we did nothing.
Millions died and we are still paying for the shame.
Get involved and help us save lives.
We need your prayers more than anything else. Pray that the hearts of politicians both here and abroad begin to soften.
Pray for our president and state department. Pray that a new president will be elected that will be bold, brave and clear on this issue.
If you wish to give go to: 100% of the proceeds will go to the efforts to help save these people who desperately need your help.
Have you ever wondered what you would have done if you lived in the 1930's and 40's and knew about the holocaust? Now is your time to become one of the new righteous of the nations.
You can save a life!
Please ponder the difference between John 3:16 and 1 john 3:16. The second has a commandment for us.
Now is the time we all choose who we are.

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