Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What FBI Won't Tell Us - San Bernardino 'Lone Wolves' Ran In Pack

San Bernardino 'Lone Wolves' Ran In Pack

Jihad: As the president assured the public Sunday night that the San Bernardino terrorists acted alone without help from sympathizers in the Muslim community, agents were looking hard at family, friends and neighbors.
'We have no evidence they were part of a broader conspiracy here at home," Obama said in his prime-time address, echoing his attorney general who earlier maintained there's "no indication" that the San Bernardino terrorists were part of "a broader network."
That is, no co-conspirators, supporters, facilitators or financiers. Just a couple of rogue, Islam-perverting homicidal heretics. Nothing more to see here, move along, haters.
This is the same "lone wolf" whitewash we've heard before, most recently in the Chattanooga, Tenn., terrorism case.
And it doesn't square with developments in the case, where several signs of broader support, or at least knowledge of the plot, from relatives and others in the local community are emerging, including:
• FBI agents raided the home of a former neighbor and close friend of Syed Farook, who bought the terrorist two assault rifles.
• The agency is investigating Farook's mother, who claims she knew nothing of his terror plans, even though she actually lived with him and his terrorist wife in their bomb-making factory in Redlands, and was involved with a radical Muslim group.
• His father, moreover, knew Farook was a follower of ISIS and admired its caliph, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi; yet the Israel-hating father — who lives nearby with Farook's older brother — never reported anything to the authorities, either.
• Farook's sister, who also pleads ignorance, took "target practice" with her older terrorist brother.
• An eyewitness says he recently saw "six Middle Eastern men" working in Farook's garage, where he made more than a dozen explosives.
• Farook was in contact with Muslim extremists on the terror watch list, and smashed his cell phones to protect them.
• A radical local mosque threw a massive wedding reception for Farook and Tashfeen Malik, and members regularly visited their home, which doubled as an IED lab.
• Agents have raided the homes of at least two of the imams of mosques attended by the couple, holding them at gunpoint.
• The House Homeland Security Committee suggests the terrorists got help buying their arsenal of guns and ammo, and pipe bombs and bomb-making equipment.
"On his salary, he was not able to buy them on his own," said Homeland Security chair Mike McCaul.
Other security officials say Farook and wife must have gotten bomb training and help assembling all the bombs.
What's more, investigators aren't ruling out the possibility that the huge arsenal was intended to be used by a larger terrorist cell in additional attacks.
It turns out that Mr. and Mrs. Jihad may have actually had many co-horts in terror. Just like Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who earlier this year killed five U.S. soldiers in a shooting spree at two military sites in Chattanooga. His father had been on a terror watch list, and they both attended a radical local mosque.
These were not lone wolves operating on their own. Family members and mosque friends all say to a person that they were shocked and scandalized to learn they would go on violent jihad, despite their showing outward signs of radicalization in the weeks and months leading up to the attacks.
The "rogue" homegrown Muslim terrorist is a myth. In virtually every case, their "radicalization" spokes off into family, local mosques and the larger Muslim community. People knew. People helped.
Who helped Farook and Malik? Who knew of their plans? Their activities and connections warrant a much broader investigation — and fewer misleading statements from the White House about the larger threat we face.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/120715-784147-san-bernardino-lone-terrorists-ran-in-pack.htm#ixzz3tjszL8hC
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