Thursday, June 20, 2019

Realities of 2nd Amendment

There's a few realities the liberal left need to recognize when it speaks of gun control, gun bans or a repeal of the 2nd Amendment:

The 2nd Amendment was not enacted to protect hunting, collecting, sport shooting or plinkin.
 It was enacted to protect a people who had just fought a revolution against a tyrannical government from another tyrannical government thereafter. 20th century history reeks of what happens to a compliant people when its government legally and forcefully disarms them.

The truth: you cannot victimize, terrorize or oppress someone who has the means to defend himself. 
If you take away the right and the means to defend yourself, you will become a victim - of opportunists, of criminals, of tyrants and anyone who wishes to impose their will upon you. Why? Because opportunists, criminals and tyrants don't act rationally and won't be so stupid as to surrender their arms.

If any right is repealed, it is gone for good, never to return. 
If you surrender the right to bear arms and it is enforced, you can be sure your right to free speech, to be free of unreasonable search and seizure and others will be eroded, and there won't be a damned thing you can do about it. What are you going to do, resist? Vote? Hah! Look, I don't know what we can do to stop all the gun violence, but disarming yourself and all around you in order to feel safe won't make you safer. Truth is, you'll be more vulnerable than ever. 

I'm not willing to live that way, are you?

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