Tuesday, June 23, 2015


A Republican freed the slaves.

Democrats fought to continue segregation.

Today's Tea Party fights for a government far too small to enforce either policy.

Yet, Dylann Roof is somehow a 'conservative'.

A murderer? Yes.
A terrorist? Yes.
Soon to be dead himself thanks to a conservative policy? Yes.
But conservative? No.

If you support a vision of a centralized government that is so powerful and involved in 
everyday life that it micromanages the seating arrangements on a bus - the last f'ing thing 
the world you are is a conservative. If you believe this nonsense and call yourself a 
conservative - stop.

Racism is neither conservative or liberal. But using the power of government to enforce 
your belief on race (whether it be to 'help' or hurt) definitely isn't conservative. Perhaps the 
fundamental belief of a conservative is to look at people as individuals, not groups.

Therefore here is something easy for the media to learn: Racism. Is. Not. Conservative.

Stop using this tragedy to try and convince people that it is.

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