Monday, June 29, 2015

GB Sunday Nite Briefing

I want to share with you my Sunday Night Briefing. I get several briefings a day compiled by different people for different topics.
Usually I either assign them to stories and topics or they have been with me for so long they know what kind of stories I look for.
The SNB is compiled by a guy who I wish worked for me full time but I just can't afford him yet. He is spiritual, really smart and sees the future much in the same way.
So here is a peak into one of the briefs that I am looking at tonight. Much of this will not be seen anywhere else in the MSM not will most care. But once you read my daily briefings you get an idea of why me and those on my staff are so concerned.
Let's start with something Spiritual.
this weekend Timothy stood out. In the ‘later times’ some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
In these times man will be:
Lovers of self - Check
Lovers of money - Check
Proud - Check
Arrogant - Check
Abusive - Check
Disobedient to their parents - Check
Ungrateful - Check
Unholy - Check
Inhuman - Check and Check
Umplacable - Check
Slanderers – Check
Profligates – Check
Fierce – Check
Haters of Good – Check
Treacherous – Check
Reckless – Check
Swollen with Conceit – Check
Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God – Check
Holding the form of religion – Check
But denying the power of it – Check.
I think the car is all packed up, we’re ready to go.
It’s worth starting the week with John 16:33 in mind.
“I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Next fight: The right to die when you want.…/21656182-doctors-should-be-allow…
That’s weird because I’ve never met anyone who didn’t eventually receive the right to die. But this is another one that I think people are going to roll over on and not care.

As for Amazon stopping the sale of confederate stuff, keep in mind this is a company that less than a month ago decided not to sell ISIS magazine.…/amazon-halts-sale-of-isis-propagand…/
Wait, are you allowed to buy confederate stuff on ebay if it is Clinton-related?…/Hillary-Clinton-camp-won-t-say…
Fitting in…/…
Guess Who Doesn’t Fit In at Work
One recent survey found that more than 80 percent of employers worldwide named cultural fit as a top hiring priority.
The original idea was that if companies hired individuals whose personalities and values — and not just their skills — meshed with an organization’s strategy, workers would feel more attached to their jobs, work harder and stay longer.
Help me, Glenn Kenobi, you’re my only hope. wink emoticon
Now that we’ve entered this new era of tolerance, let’s take a look at where we are.…/statues-of-virgin-mary-be…/
Statues Of Virgin Mary Beheaded, Jesus Christ Defaced At Palm Springs Catholic Church
We’ve got another victim of what looks like the knock out game, that game that doesn’t really exist. ‪#‎OldMenOnScootersLivesMatter‬…/surveillance-video-shows-mans-beating…
Surveillance video shows man's beating at La Mesa transit depot…/88-denmark-muslims-who-wh…
Denmark: Muslims Who Whipped Woman In Face With Iron Chains Laugh About It In Court
Here’s a video of Islamists running the police out of their “No Go” area in France. It’s just amazing (if it is what it says it is).
California got rid of that inconvenient “religious belief” exemption for vaccines.…/california-assembly-vaccination-l…
California Assembly approves one of the toughest vaccination laws in the US
No more religious or 'personal belief' exemptions
As the doctor exists stage left, to the great delight of many people on Facebook (Why do I keep opening it? Where did all these progressive friends come from?)…/anti-vaccine-doctor-jeff-bradstree…
Anti-Vaccine Doctor Jeff Bradstreet Dead in Apparent Suicide
I saw the map going around recently showing the areas that ISIS controls. The areas where they are most prevalent seem spider web thin, so the first thing I thought was ‘wow, they must have to run supply trucks right down those lanes, why don’t they just destroy them all?’ So this story looking at ISIS’ supply lines was interesting to me.…/logistics-101-where-does-isis-get…/

You probably know everything that’s in this article, in fact it looks like a text version of The Root, but I did see some interesting things later in the article. It would be a good (albeit long) written primer for people who don’t understand.…/02/what-isis-really-wa…/384980/
What ISIS Really Wants
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Could 'Establish a War of All Against All'…/the-trans-pacific-partnership-could…

Half the UN member states say that democracy is on the retreat.…/democracy-on-the-retreat-in-over-…/

Privacy advocates attack plans to end anonymity for website owners
Watch out, Friends of Abe.…/Obama-wants-KKK-forced-members…
President Obama is keen to introduce tough new laws which will force the KKK and other extreme right-wing groups to disclose the identities of their members, Daily Mail Online can disclose.
Why just “right-wing” groups? Why not disclose the members of mosques that have been the center of terrorism? Or the members of leftist violence groups?…/what-is-the-big-secret…/
What Is the Big Secret Surrounding Stingray Surveillance?
State and local law enforcement agencies across the U.S. are setting up fake cell towers to gather mobile data, but few will admit it

U.S. Manufacturing costs are almost as low as China’s
The reason? Fracking.

Obama said "We as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
Does that include Tunisia? He would probably argue they aren’t “advanced”… oh, this is awkward.…
Tunisia Gets EU Advanced Status

That is what I am seeing tonight. See you on the radio tomorrow am.

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