Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Democrats Embrace Terror Suspects On Hill During 'Muslim Advocacy Day

April 20, 2015

Democrats Embrace Terror Suspects On Hill During 'Muslim Advocacy Day'

Infiltration: Two-hundred eighty Muslim "leaders" stormed the U.S. Capitol last week, taking grip-and-grin photos with Democrats and even visiting the office of their national committee chief. Where was security?
We're curious, because this two-day Islamist lobbying and political muscle flexing — dubbed "National Muslim Advocacy Day and Palestine Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill" — was organized by a radical Muslim Brotherhood umbrella group led by actual terrorism suspects.
At least one of them already has been behind bars, another has been the subject of both FBI and National Security Agency investigations and the rest "should be in jail, not on Capitol Hill" freely roaming the halls of American power, asserted a veteran FBI agent.
"These are leaders of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in America," said John Guandolo. Yet "they are moving around the nation's Capitol freely without any fear of the FBI or anyone else arresting them."
And that's precisely what they lobbied against — investigation and prosecution. Hundreds of these radical Muslim "activists" fanned out across the Hill to knock on doors of members of Congress to express their opposition to anti-terrorism investigations in the Muslim community and American mosques.
They also voiced support for a Palestinian state. Observers said their Palestine Advocacy Day was more like Bash Israel Day. And they held "seminars" in various Hill rooms. This was enemy infiltration out in the open, facilitated by Democrats.
Event organizer U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations is made up "entirely of Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas organizations," Guandolo said on his Understanding the Threat website. Warned CIA veteran Claire Lopez: "Representatives are being targeted in an influence operation by a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood political entity."
And they are getting help on the inside. Democratic Reps. Andre Carson and Keith Ellison, Congress' first Muslims, helped coordinate the event. Last June, both lawmakers attended an inaugural USCMO banquet in Washington. Neither text nor video from that dinner has been released to the press.
Carson recently was assigned by Nancy Pelosi to the House Intelligence Committee, putting a close affiliate with Muslim Brotherhood members — even unindicted co-conspirators identified by the Justice Department — on a panel that receives top secret briefings and materials from the U.S. intelligence community.
"The Muslim Brotherhood could view him as a conduit for their own influence operations back into Congress," Lopez pointed out.
Carson shared the stage at the banquet with founding USCMO board member and radical Brooklyn imam Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.
Another USCMO director is Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose organization has been identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in a major Hamas terrorist case.
The FBI has told Congress it refuses to conduct outreach with CAIR until its leaders can demonstrate they no longer have operational ties to Hamas leadership. The NSA recently put Awad under surveillance, according to leaked Edward Snowden documents.
USCMO Secretary General Oussama Jammal, moreover, is past president of the Mosque Foundation in Chicago, also named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas case.
Then there's USCMO director Mazen Mokhtar, who in 2007 was arrested in New Jersey by FBI agents investigating him for ties to an al-Qaida terrorist in Britain who was convicted of plotting to blow up U.S. landmarks and warships, according to court documents.
It's alarming that Muslim Brotherhood operatives who have stated in their founding documents that their objective is to infiltrate the U.S. government and carry out a "civilization jihad" against America have such a heavy hand inside our congressional leadership.

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