Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hillary Wants to Curb Free Speech

April 15, 2015

At her first Iowa stop, Hillary calls for constitutional limits on free speech

You may very well have missed it. But at her first 2016 campaign stop in Iowa Tuesday, wannabe president Hillary Clinton called for a constitutional amendment if necessary to limit free speech rights granted by the Supreme Court to unions, companies and organizations donating to political campaigns.
Few might have expected the ex-Obama aide to kick off her second bid to infiltrate the Oval Office with such a proposal for fundamental change in settled American law. But there she was wearing an uber-smile with more media than audience at Kirkland Community College in Monticello (get the Thomas Jefferson link?).
First, she modestly portrayed herself as somewhat courageous for taking on some evil special interest groups. Because, as her divisive mentor Barack Obama so ably shows, you must have a "Them" to create an "Us." Hillary proclaimed:
"I want to be the champion who goes to bat for Americans in four big areas, four big fights that I think we have to take on because there are those who don’t agree with what I think we should be doing. And they’re pretty powerful forces."
Topic One: "We need to build the economy of tomorrow, not yesterday." Take that, Marco Rubio, who's called her a yesterday leader. (Scroll down for video of her remarks.)
Topic Two: "We need to strengthen families and communities because that’s where it all starts." Remember her 1996 book, "It Takes a Village"?
Topic Four (yes, it's out of order but play along): "We need to protect our country from the threats that we see and the ones that are on the horizon."
Purposely not specific. With Clinton, "threats" could be anything from the "vast right-wing conspiracy" to the media to, gee, here's a thought, maybe even terrorism threats that have exploded since she took office as Secretary of State in early 2009.
Topic Three: "We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all—even if that takes a constitutional amendment."
Wait! What? Yup, the woman with her own PACs who could spend upwards of $1.7 billion on her campaign is taking on the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision. That one granted free speech spending rights to nonprofit organizations in the political process, since expanded to unions and corporations.
You may recall Barack Obama violating political protocol in his 2011 State of the Union address to criticize the Citizens decision of Supreme Court justices sitting silently, politely right in front of him. Citizens United is an issue near and dear to the mechanical pumps that pass for hearts in the left-wing of the Democrat Party.
Teammates (AP)
Teammates (AP)
You may also recall that an over-confident Clinton, obviously the party's nominee-to-be in 2008, was badly embarrassed in the Iowa caucuses, finishing a sad third behind Obama and even that North Carolina adulterer who cheated on his dying wife.
So, Clinton's not taking any chances this time, touching all the pander bases.
And her minions are keeping the rowdy media and unapproved everyday Americans at bay. So, there have been no tasteless questions so far about Benghazi or her suspicious deleted emails distracting from Tuesday's prescribed message: "I want to be the champion who goes to bat for everyday Americans."
The thing about every everyday American is that for an entire quarter-century now the Clinton$ have been intimately associated with big money. Actually, hugemoney.
Remember them renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to donors? Lifting White House furniture and china on the way out. Their twin mansions. $100 million-plus from Bill's speeches. $300K for a Hillary speech. Chartered jets. Millions pouring into their foundation from foreign governments, while the Mrs. was doing her mediocre job at State and ignoring Benghazi's pleas for more security.
That's what made Hillary's "dead broke" claim so hilarious last fall. And why her current plaints about income inequality prompt snickers.
Of course, both parties bitterly cling to a few evergreen issues they cynically never intend to solve. This week a Citizens United constitutional amendment is Hillary's. There's as much chance of that happening as Obama ever sincerely thanking anyone.
Getting three-quarters of the states to agree on anything today is impossible. Especially if the idea is a Democrat's and 31 of Obama's 57 states are run by Republican governors.
Clinton said one other thing in Monticello that stuck out. "We’ve got to figure out in our country how to get back on the right track." Her feigned concern is correct, two-out-of-three Americans do think the country is on the wrong track.
But here's her problem: Obama has been in office now 2,276 days. Hillary Clinton was a senior Obama Cabinet member for 65% of that time.
Wrong track is on them. Clinton now claiming an important need to switch tracks is like Obama shaking his head at this awful ongoing Bush economy.
 does Hillary want to be president?

Imagine Ted Cruz as president: What he actually said
Rand Paul: 'What kind of America will our grandchildren see?'
Rubio: 'Too many of our leaders and their ideas are stuck in the 20th century'

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