Thursday, April 9, 2015

Obama's Disdain of Ama=ericans

April 7, 2015

Just How Dumb Does The President Think Americans Are?



From the joke that is the Iran deal to the betrayal of Israel to the belittling of a rival's foreign policy experience when he himself had none, this president continues to insult the intelligence of the American people.
The pledge to liberal to close Guantanamo Bay and the guarantee to all that "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" are broken promises set in the stone of history. But there's little that comes from this president's mouth that a normal person could say with a straight face.
Take the disintegration of America's relationship with our most loyal Mideast ally that has now reached a level of personal pettiness. Not only would President Obama decline to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu last month; he spitefully followed up with the release of long-dormant classified information detailing the Jewish state's nuclear weapons capabilities.
Yet in a recent interview with New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, Obama mopes about how "it has been personally difficult for me to hear" accusations that he "has not done everything" he could "to look out for Israel's interest." And, he added, "this has been as hard as anything I do because of the deep affinities that I feel for the Israeli people and for the Jewish people."
This from the man whose nuclear non-deal with Iran is clearly an existential threat to the country that Tehran has repeatedly pledged to destroy.
Then, in an interview Monday with National Public Radio, Obama says that demanding that Iran recognize the basic legitimacy of Israel is too much to ask.
"The notion that we would condition Iran not getting nuclear weapons in a verifiable deal on Iran recognizing Israel is really akin to saying that we won't sign a deal unless the nature of the Iranian regime completely transforms," he asserted.
But this president had an opportunity to transform — i.e., help the Iranian people topple — the Iran regime during his first summer as president. Yet he refused to extend even verbal support, choosing to sit by silently as Iranians took to the streets risking their lives.
And all because he wanted to be the American president who forged a deal with Islamist dictators — his much-touted "New Beginning" with the world's Muslims, one based on apology, shame and self-imposed shrinkage of U.S. global power.
But to top it all off, the worst foreign-policy president in history then attacks Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a likely GOP presidential candidate, for promising to abrogate Obama's bad deal with Iran on his first day in the White House.
"It would be a foolish approach to take," Obama condescendingly told NPR, "and, you know, perhaps Mr. Walker, after he's taken some time to bone up on foreign policy, will feel the same way."
Obama's foreign policy disasters — losing two wars and causing the emergence of the savage Islamic State in Iran and Syria — are a direct result of this inexperienced first-term senator's own do-it-yourself, on-the-job training in foreign policy.
This president apparently believes we'll swallow anything.

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