Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Timeline on the Flynn case - Sharyl Atchinsin

 Timeline on the Flynn case

In recent days, the Justice Department announced its decision to drop the prosecution of former Trump National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
The following timeline highlights some important events in the case.

Flynn Timeline

July 24, 2012: President Obama appoints Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a Democrat, to head up the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
2012-2014: Flynn clashes with colleagues and questions the Obama administration’s claim that the Islamic extremist group Al Qaeda was almost defeated. He also objects to what he says is an Obama administration policy to ban use of phrases such as “Islamic extremist” terrorism, arguing that “to defeat the enemy, you have to define it.”
April 30, 2014: Flynn announces his retirement as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, effective in August. 
Feb. 2016: Flynn becomes a Trump campaign adviser.
Nov. 8, 2016: Trump is elected president.
Flynn publishes an op-ed calling for the U.S. to support Turkey’s president against his opposition. A note is later added disclosing that Flynn was consulting for a company with ties to the Turkish government.
Nov. 10, 2016:  In a meeting, President Obama reportedly warns Trump against hiring Flynn.
Nov. 18, 2016: Trump names Flynn his national security adviser. Over the next few weeks, Flynn communicates with numerous international leaders.
Dec. 1, 2016:  Flynn meets with Russia’s ambassador. 
Dec. 22, 2016: Flynn has a call with Russia’s ambassador.
Dec. 29, 2016: In another call with Russia’s ambassador, Flynn reportedly asks Russia not to retaliate for recent U.S. sanctions against Russia. Russia reportedly agrees. The call is monitored by U.S. intelligence.
Jan. 15, 2017: After leaks about Flynn’s call with Russia's ambassador, Vice President-elect Mike Pence tells the press that Flynn did not discuss U.S. sanctions on the call.
Jan. 20, 2017: Trump is inaugurated. The Wall Street Journal reports that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating Flynn’s contacts with Russia’s ambassador.
Jan. 24, 2017: FBI Director Comey sends two FBI agents, including Peter Strzok, to visit Flynn at the White House and strike up a conversation about Russia. Flynn is not told he’s under investigation. He reportedly tells the agents he did not ask Russia to hold back on retaliating for Obama administration sanctions. 
Jan. 25, 2017: The House Intelligence Committee announces an investigation into Russia influencing the 2016 election and any links to U.S. political campaigns.
Jan. 26, 2017:  Acting Attorney General Sally Yates reportedly tells White House counsel Donald McGahn that Flynn had lied to Pence about the content of his talks with Russian ambassador.
Feb. 9, 2017: The Washington Post cites unnamed current and former administration officials in reporting that Flynn had misled Trump officials about the content of his discussions with Russia’s ambassador.
Feb. 13, 2017:  Flynn resigns stating that he “inadvertently briefed” Trump administration officials “with incomplete information.”
Feb. 14, 2017:  Comey says that, in a meeting, Trump states, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” Comey says he replies “he is a good guy.” Trump later takes issue with Comey’s characterization of the meeting.
March 8, 2017: Flynn officially registers for his past work as a foreign agent representing a Dutch-based company that some said had ties to Turkey.
May 9, 2017: Trump fires Comey, based on recommendations from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein.
May 16, 2017: The New York Times reports that Trump had asked Comey to close down the investigation into Flynn.
May 17, 2017: Rosenstein appoints former FBI Director Robert Mueller to investigate alleged Trump-Russia collusion, as Special Counsel.
June 15, 2017: The Washington Post reports the FBI is looking into “financial dealings” of Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, and adviser Jared Kushner.
Dec. 1, 2017:  Flynn pleads guilty to making false statements to the FBI and agrees to cooperate in its Russia investigation. Flynn later says prosecutors threatened to go after his son if he didn’t plead guilty.
Spring 2018: There are reports that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn told Comey they didn’t think Flynn had lied. But Comey publicly says that was not his understanding.
Dec. 4, 2018: Prosecutors recommend no prison time for Flynn, telling a judge that he had cooperated with the Russia investigation.
April 18, 2019: Special Counsel Mueller finds that nobody with Trump campaign, and no American in general, had colluded with Russia. 
June 2019: Flynn fires his legal team at Burling and Covington, and hires former prosecutor Sidney Powell.
Oct. 25, 2019: Flynn files a motion to dismiss the case against him due to prosecutorial misconduct. Among other claims, Flynn says prosecutors failed to turn over exculpatory material tending to show his innocence. Prosecutors claim they were not required to turn over the information.
Jan. 7, 2020: Prosecutors reverse their earlier recommendation for no prison time, and ask for up to six months in prison for Flynn.
Jan. 16, 2020: Flynn files a motion to withdraw his guilty plea.
April 29, 2020: Newly-released documents show FBI officials, prior to their original interview with Flynn, discussing whether the goal was to try to get him to lie to get him fired or so that he could be prosecuted.
May 7, 2020: The Department of Justice announces a decision to drop the case against Flynn.

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