Friday, May 22, 2015

Obama tells the military global warming is imminent security threat

May 21, 2015
Posted with permission from Investor's Business Daily
Finally, President Obama addressed what he sees as the nation's worst security threat, just days after the fall of Ramadi to ISIS and North Korea's declaration that it has miniaturized a nuclear warhead to fit on an ICBM capable of reaching the United States.
In a speech to graduates at the Coast Guard Academy, Obama said, yes, yes, terrorism is a grave danger. But there's another one. "We cannot, and we must not, ignore a peril that can affect generations," the commander-in-chief declared ominously.
That threat? Global warming.
"Cadets," Obama intoned, "the threat of a changing climate cuts to the very core of your service. You’ve been drawn to water -— like the poet who wrote, 'the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me.' You know the beauty of the sea, but you also know its unforgiving power."
Obama acknowledged there remain "some folks" who deny the controversial phenomenon he's been touting. He didn't mention some other folks who think POTUS chose the prominent military commencement address to talk global warming merely to mollify the dominant left of his party angered last week by his granting a giant oil company permission for deep-water drilling in the Arctic.
That's the kind of thing a Chicago politician would do to make peace among the city's feuding factions. (Scroll down for C-SPAN video of Obama's complete remarks or read the full text over here.)
So, Obama patiently explained the situation to the new college graduates. "The science is indisputable. The fossil fuels we burn release carbon dioxide, which traps heat. And the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are now higher than they have been in 800,000 years," said Obama, who's been around for 53 of those years.
"I’m here today," Obama added, "to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security. And make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. And so we need to act -- and we need to act now."
The commander-in-chief got no argument about planetary overheating from the graduates in their stiff-collared dress uniforms seated hatless in bright noontime sunshine for his 32-minute lecture.
Obama painted an extremely ominous portrait colored by global warming. He blamed climate change for the Nigerian drought that spawned Boko Haram terrorists, as well as the Syrian civil war.
He predicted rising water levels would soon see the world plagued by masses of climate refugees, worse storms and wildfires and food shortages, stressing national economies globally.

The president claimed that rising water imminently threatens thousands of miles of U.S. roads, railroads and power plants, as well as Coast Guard stations.
"Politicians who say they care about military readiness," the president added pointedly, "ought to care about this."
He also warned that rising sea levels could in the next 85 years cost the U.S. about $200 billion for relocations. Which is only 20% of the $1 trillion in ineffective stimulus spending that Obama wasted five years ago. Another reason to cut carbon dioxide emissions, he said, is, "I’ve committed the United States to leading the world on this challenge."
Obama said whenever and wherever he meets world leaders, it's not terrorism, trade, war or nuclear weapons he wants to discuss. The president said he always puts climate change at the top of his agenda. Somehow, all this climate change talk reminded the president the other day what a good athlete he is.
But don't worry. The president did not waste an entire Wednesday on global warming. While in Connecticut, Obama also squeezed in time to milk about $1 million from 30 Democrat diners at a Stamford fundraiser.

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