Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Obama Judge Let Muhammad Cartoon Terrorist Go

Obama Judge Let Muhammad Cartoon Terrorist Go

ihad: More than 300 people attending a free-speech event in Dallas dodged a massacre by IS terrorists because of quick action by local police — and despite an Obama-appointed judge, who in 2011 freed one of the terrorists.

At least one of the two AK-47-armed, body-armor-clad terrorists who tried to gun down the crowd gathered at the Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest in the Dallas area was well known to the FBI. Agents had arrested Elton "Ebrahim" Simpson, a Muslim convert, in 2010 for lying to them about his plans to join al-Qaida in Somalia.
But then-U.S. District Judge Mary Murguia released him from custody the next year, despite recordings in which he made it clear he sought to kill himself and others in "jihad" and despite his ties to a former U.S. Navy sailor busted for leaking details about warship movements to al-Qaida.
Murguia, a liberal Democrat whose twin sister heads the radical, pro-illegal immigrant group La Raza, bought the defense's argument that by "jihad," their client didn't mean to imply any violence and that jihad means things other than holy war.
The judge argued in her 2011 ruling that FBI agents made "inferential leaps" when they charged Simpson with involvement in international terrorism based on his statements that he wanted to go to the "battlefield" in Somalia to "fight" non-Muslims in a "martyrdom" operation.
Though his intentions seemed clear, Murguia ruled that Simpson wasn't lying about engaging in terrorism. She concluded that he was simply a devout Muslim who was lying about things suspiciously terroristic.
As a result, she dismissed the terrorism charges against Simpson and gave him a slap on the wrist — three years' probation — for making false statements. Obama promoted Murguia to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and has her on his short list for the U.S. Supreme Court, should a seat on the high bench open up.
Luckily, sharpshooting Texas police covered for Murguia's error. Simpson and his accomplice, Pakistani-American Nadir Soofi, were gunned down before they could enter the building. Both died at the scene. Their only victim was an off-duty cop who was shot in the leg.
After Simpson's probation ended last year, federal agents lost track of the potential terrorist, despite his radical Internet trail. The agency even blew off warnings that IS was threatening the Dallas event.
But Texas authorities took the danger seriously and beefed up security around the building, even deploying a SWAT team that effectively hardened what the terrorists hoped would be a soft target.
IS has now formally claimed responsibility for the attack — its first on U.S. soil — and called the two lone wolves its "soldiers." It's clear that the FBI doesn't really know what it's dealing with in terms of the homegrown threat from IS. And the federal bench is dangerously naive about the broader threat posed by jihad.
If it weren't for Texas law enforcement, IS could have claimed a far bigger victory. This case signals that terrorism is fought better locally — where political correctness doesn't handcuff authorities — than federally.

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