Monday, May 4, 2015

GB is Confused - What's Going on in Baltimore?

I am so confused by what is happening in Baltimore.
1. He broke his spine before getting in to the van.
2. That isn't true.
3. He was pounding his head into the wall of the van trying to inflict injuries on himself.
4. The witness is a criminal and that is not true.
5. The cops were arrested as a sacrifice.
6. The cops were arrested because they are guilty.
7. The protesters should wait until all the information is out and let the system work before they judge the case or riot.
8. The internet is ablaze tonight with the authors of the last point now saying this is an injustice and now is the time for people to take to the streets.
9. This is all about race and the cops and city is racist.
10. Half the cops are black and almost every city official I have seen is black, again...
I don't know what to believe.
I watched cnn today and got one side, I watched fox and got another. I read the blaze and got both sides.
Another sign of the times, there is no black or white, there are not the obvious good guys and bad guys and no one wants to wait to find out the facts.
Are those that support the police any more patient than the protesters? Yes, they didn't burn down the city, but I have read calls for violence and shootings.
I believe in the system. I believe the vast majority of people are good and the same is true for the cops.
I do not have faith in our federal system or the old media. But I do have faith in people like you.
Pray for clarity, peace and justice. We have so screwed things up over the last 100 years that it is going to take time to unravel, but if we all have the same goals of truth, justice and a united people we will make it.
I pray for the gray family, the city of Baltimore, the policemen involved, their families and all of the cops all around the country.
Truth must prevail. The democratic socialists that have run that city for decades are also at fault in a big way. If this police force is this bad and racist, who didn't do their job to clean it up along time ago?
The only ones I am afraid will get away with out paying any price are the so called leaders of one of the greatest cities in America.
We must look to clean up our own cities and police departments must police themselves now before there is trouble because this is a story now that WILL play it self out over and over in every city in America.
How do I know? Read the Coming Insurrection, listen to those radicals who led occupy Wall Street, read what Isis is currently tweeting, look at what Iran is saying or Russia, listen to Francis fox piven, Al sharpton, the black panthers, the Nation of Islam or any of the leftists who have been planting these seeds for a very long time.
We must be as wise serpents and gentle as doves. The times call for us to be better than we ever thought we could be.
Find joy. Speak truth.
From Austin, goodnight America.

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