Sunday, March 22, 2020

The other pandemic...BMB YAB

 The other pandemic...

Not to detract from the current situation with the ‘Wuhan’ virus. But let’s look back at the numbers from the Swine Flu global pandemic of 2009-2010:

700 million were infected worldwide – greater than the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic.

84 million Americans were infected.

300,000 Americans were hospitalized as a result of the disease.

CDC estimate of worldwide deaths: 75,400

American deaths: 17,000

 Do you remember hearing all these numbers? Neither do I. Why do you suppose that is?

 It’s because the President was Barack Obama, and the media was going out of its way, praising how he was handling the crisis.

There wasn’t a peep of criticism, and there was no ‘chicken-little’ panic.

 Keep that in mind, as we watch events unfold with this latest Wuhan virus crisis. There is an enormous political aspect to how the media is handling this. First, is their visceral hatred of Trump. Second, the Democrats are going to run a senile hack as their Presidential candidate who can’t remember which state he’s in, has verbally assaulted attendees at his rallies, and has challenged at least two attendees to fights. Third is the objective of driving down the stock market and if possible driving the United States into a recession.

 Remember Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s right hand man, who famously said, ‘Never let a crisis go to waste.’

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