Thursday, March 19, 2020

Civil Society Watches Wuhan Virus Trajectory

Morning Greatness: Civil Society Watches Wuhan Virus Trajectory

Liz SheldMarch 18, 2020
 Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:
  • The president participates in a phone call with airline executives on COVID-19 response
  • President Trump participates in the Business Roundtable Quarterly Meeting teleconference
  • The president participates in a phone call with physicians on COVID-19 response
  • President Trump participates in a briefing with nurses on COVID-19 response
  • 11:30AM   Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing
Civil Society transforms
US, Canada working on mutual ban on non-essential travel
New York attorney general suspends state student, medical debt during coronavirus crisis
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned unemployment could hit 20% without action: Sources
White House requests $45.8 billion in emergency funding due to coronavirus
Here’s what we know about the 100 people who’ve died in the US from coronavirus
CVS sent false coronavirus information to staff
DHS considering plan to turn away asylum-seekers, people who crossed southern border illegally
Danger, Danger. US government and Big Tech may use smartphone location data to battle coronavirus
Nevada governor orders statewide shutdown of hotels, casinos, nonessential businesses
WTF: Philadelphia Police Told To Stop Arresting Car Thieves, Burglars Due To Coronavirus
Stores designate shopping time for seniors, vulnerable amid coronavirus: Safeway, Whole Foods, Target and more
China expels American journalists from New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post
Schools complain of ‘total confusion’ over White House, CDC guidelines on coronavirus
Kansas governor orders schools closed for the rest of the school year
Long lines at San Francisco area cannabis stores exempt from coronavirus lockdown
Detroit automakers, UAW agree to curb production to contain coronavirus
As American Indian casinos close for coronavirus, industry seeks $18 billion aid
Coronavirus layoffs surge across America, overwhelming unemployment offices
Person in Texas arrested for falsely claiming to have coronavirus
CDC urges funeral directors to livestream large funerals amid coronavirus outbreak
Actress apologizes for controversial coronavirus comments
And that’s all I’ve got, now wash your hands and socially distance!

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