Thursday, October 31, 2019

Small Group Prayer List 10/3119

Hey Small Group,

Here is our small group most current prayer list.
Please remember we will not be meeting next Wednesday 11/6/2019.

Romeo & LaRue

Small Group Prayer List    10/3119

Becky- Good Dr. report.

LaRue’s family—salvation

LaRue—Rob & family --Salvation
Phil Comfort’s daughter in law- salvation & deliverance from evil.
Marcella- Next door neighbor Marylyn for salvation.
Betty- Amos’s son’s problems with addiction and depression.
Bill- Missionary’s Ed Henn family at Clemson University – Campus Outreach Mission.
  Mark- Cousin Beth Ann has Gallbladder cancer. At John Hopkins for trial study. Chemo is not working.
Betty- Youngest daughter Beth with two daughters has moved out of the marital home in Charlotte, NC.
Ginny- Grandson Jonah dealing with depression and anxiety issues and son and daughter-in-law dealing with this stress.
Rob- Jan a friend who has cancer.
Betty- Daughter Beth has melanoma cancer on her leg.
LaRue- Elaine Kitchen has a pulmonary disease and has been given four year to live.
Betty- Granddaughter Brook’s son Parker having severe learning issues and will need special schooling.
  Pray that Brook will continue to be able to handle the situation.
Bob- Daughter having problems with her 6-yr. old son and they are now going to counseling.

Mark- Paul Banta now home for rehab.

John- Horrible treatment of President Trump by the left and the press.
Mary Vett- Prayer for Ed with all his physical health issues.
John- Pray for safety of Israel.
Mark- Cousin Dean Owens has breast cancer. Currently having chemo and radiation treatments.
Betty- Lynn Rhinehart dealing with pancreatic cancer that has returned. Had lobe of one lung removed and possible cancer in one breast. John Rhinehart her husband needs prayer also for peace.
Rob- Friend Duard Walker who is 95 just had a stroke.
LaRue- Bob McCray has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Radiation implants will be inserted in January.
Mark- Gustaine Butler that he will be strong enough to attend the Butler family reunion.
Rob- Mitzi Greens father has pneumonia.

LaRue- Tim Parker for multiple health problems.

Mark- Need more people to come for singing and visiting of the elderly at Lakes of Litchfield this Sunday 2-3 PM.
Becky- Son coming from California and daughter from Asheville, NC to visit. First time to have them at home for many years and very anxious.
Mary M- Friend Mary just had a pet scan to determine the source of her cancer.
Mary M- Friend Susan going to oncologist to check on cancer.

Marcella- Friend Helen estranged from her daughter and three grandchildren for forty years pray to be reunited.

Romeo- Mary Vett fell yesterday. Damage not yet fully assessed.
Romeo- Ed having serious physical health issues from injures in Vietnam.
Romeo- LaRue for healing of her broken ankle.

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