Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Obama Biden Blew It In Iraq; Allowed Rise of ISIS

Mattis: You won’t believe how Obama and Biden bungled Iraq and allowed the rise of ISIS.

Related: ‘Ignoring reality’: Biden got it wrong on Iraq, Mattis says.

 “‘He was past the point where he was willing to entertain a ‘good idea.’ He didn’t want to hear more; he wanted our forces out of Iraq. Whatever path led there fastest, he favored. He exuded the confidence of a man whose mind was made up, perhaps even indifferent to considering the consequences were he judging the situation incorrectly.'”

Mattis winds up basically blaming Biden for the rise of ISIS, adding, “It would take many years and tens of thousands of casualties, plus untold misery for millions of innocents, to break ISIS’s geographic hold. All of this was predicted — and preventable.”
Related item here.

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