Saturday, August 10, 2019

Klavan: The Democrat Mob's Endgame Oct 2018

Klavan: The Democrat Mob's Endgame

"If it walks like a mob, talks like a mob, sounds like a mob — it's a mob!"

The Democrat mob does not like being called exactly what they are: a Democrat mob. But if they don't like it, why do they keep calling for intimidation and violence? That seems like a pretty good indicator of being a mob, according to Andrew Klavan.
On Thursday's episode of "The Andrew Klavan Show," the host explained why the Democrats have adopted this mob mentality, and what their true endgame for it is.
After playing a clip of former Attorney General Eric Holder telling Democrat Party insiders, “When they go low, we kick them,” while discussing Republicans, Klavan said. “You can't say it's not a mob when you're encouraging people to be a mob."
He continued: "Donald Trump riles up his base, there's no question about it, but he doesn't rile them up to violence, he doesn't rile him up to attack people, he never said that, he never said go kick 'em. I mean, when he was campaigning I used to rail at him against this, when he was campaigning he sometimes skirted the edge and it really bugged me, and it bugs me still, that he did it — but since he's become president he hasn't been doing that, and they are. They have become his worst self, as I always say, Trump at his worst is the Democrats, that's why they hate him."
"But more important than the mob is the fact that what they are fighting for, what the left is actually fighting for, is to destroy constitutional governance," said Klavan.
 If it walks like a mob, talks like a mob, sounds like a mob - it's a mob! Don Lemon, who is a just a lemon-head, Don Lemon was saying "oh, we have a constitutional right to go into a restaurant and harass a senator." No, you actually don't, that is not what free speech is, that is not how free people behave. It is absolutely not within the realm of free speech to go screaming at people, to dox them so that people go to their houses, it is absolutely mob rule and they're encouraging it! We played Hillary Clinton the other day saying "no we can't be civil anymore until we win!" Now there is Eric Holder, Holder is obviously thinking of running for president, this is the former attorney general under Barack Obama - the only attorney general in the history of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress. He got caught out and investigated for running guns, essentially, the Fast and Furious operation in which they allowed Mexican gangsters to buy guns because they were gonna trace the guns, that was the idea, they were gonna trace the guns and they just lost the guns, and the Mexican gangsters got the guns while the feds were sitting there watching them, and finally a border agent was killed by this. So they investigated, he refused to hand over the documents so they could see it, and Barack Obama refused to have the Justice Department investigate him and prosecute him for contempt of Congress because he claimed it was executive privilege - the old Bill Clinton trick, like everybody from his mother to his cook had executive privilege under Clinton, because he didn't want to admit this.
I got a lot of feedback about the Max Boot interview that I did, the never-Trumper Max Boot, and you know there were two kinds of feedback I got, one was "why did you play that, why did you let him say those stupid things?" And the other was "I'm glad you let him say those stupid things so I could hear them." But the one thing that everybody found incredible was his idea that Barack Obama was somehow a great, honest guy who didn't violate the Constitution, which is my big argument - that Trump, for all they yell about him, and all his rudeness and his strange sometimes behavior - he hasn't violated constitutional governance at all, and Obama did it routinely. He transformed the government into a Democrat machine, like in Chicago.
So here's Eric Holder telling people what he wants them to do:
Eric Holder: "They have used the power that they have gotten for all the wrong things, they want to keep themselves in power, they want to cater to the special interests, it is time for us as Democrats to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are. Michelle always says, Michelle Obama, I love her, you know she and and my wife are, like, really tight which scares me and Barack. She says when they go low, we go high - no, no. When they go low, we kick 'em"
They're encouraging people to basically attack congressmen and senators. Cory Booker, Spartacus, is telling people they should go after people and get up in the faces of Congresspeople:
Cory Booker: "Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today! Get up and, please, get up in the face of some Congresspeople!"
You can't say it's not a mob when you're encouraging people to be a mob! Donald Trump riles up his base, there's no question about it, but he doesn't rile them up to violence, he doesn't rile him up to attack people, he never said that, he never said go kick 'em. I mean, when he was campaigning I used to rail at him against this, when he was campaigning he sometimes skirted the edge and it really bugged me, and it bugs me still, that he did it - but since he's become president he hasn't been doing that, and they are. They have become his worst self, as I always say, Trump at his worst is the Democrats, that's why they hate him.
But more important than the mob is the fact that what they are fighting for, what the left is actually fighting for, is to destroy constitutional governance. One of the things that I keep saying, people say "well Donald Trump had all these women who said he did these nasty things." Well all of the women who accused him, they accused him of things that were creepy mischief, you know of putting his hands where he shouldn't have put them, of looking up their skirts when they were walking above and that kind of thing, kind of creepy stuff but not assault. Only his ex-wife during a divorce proceeding accused him of really raping her and then said "no that was the lawyers talking, it was just part of the divorce settlement." The thing is, he was running against a career criminal, a woman who was - you know you listen to Ken Starr talk about her, he was this close to going after her for perjury after her testimony - she stonewalled everybody. But a career criminal, who openly did not support the first and second amendment, she openly did not support the Heller decision which said the Second Amendment guarantees your personal right to bear arms, and she didn't support the Citizens United decision which basically supported your right to have political speech, I mean it was the First Amendment. This is what they're going after. Listen to some of the stuff that they've been saying.
Ian Millhiser, who is a George Soros guy from the the site Think Progress, so he is the justice editor there, and he writes this piece after Kavanaugh gets confirmed, "the Constitution of the United States has failed" - and this thing is amazing, it is really like a a 19-year-old who's just read that idiot Howard Zinn, and he's like "wow you know sometimes bad things happened in America, it's not all good!" and so he hates America, and he says:
Ian Millhiser: "Americans speak of our Constitution as if it were a religious text. To label a law unconstitutional is not simply to say that it violates some procedural rule or legal technicality, it is to label it fundamentally un-American."
He has a problem with this? This is exactly right! It is fundamentally un-American.
Ian Millhiser: "But our Constitution has not served us nearly as well as we would have been served by other systems adopted by our peer nations."
In other words, in Europe and Scandinavia, all of which live under our protection, under our umbrella, using our machines, our innovation, our financial security, all of which are essentially client states of this great country, and none of them would even exist at the level of diversity and freedom that they exist in if it weren't for our inspiration, which gave it the first birth of true freedom on the planet.

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