Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Twitter is Biased - Scott Adams

Nothing to See Here, Folks

I recently tweeted a link to my blog post that is unflattering to the proponents of climate science. I have 138,000 Twitter followers. My traffic from Twitter to my blog in a recent minute was only 14 people, while overall traffic from other sources was its usual robust self. For non-controversial topics, my Twitter-driven traffic for a tweet to my blog would be 200-300 per minute in the half-hour after a tweet. On this topic, it hovered between 10-14.
As many others have documented, Twitter throttles back the tweets of people who hold political views they don’t like.
Most of you have freedom of speech. I have it too, in a Constitutional sense. But in terms of social media – the dominant form of political communication in our culture – I have about 5-10% as much freedom of speech as other people.
In my case, that’s all I need.
It just takes longer.
And I do like a challenge.
That’s why I am building my own podcasting studio in my home. I’ll be spreading my creative content across multiple platforms to try and claw-back my freedom of speech. 
For my new YouTube livestreaming and playbacks, see the link in my Twitter bio which is this: bit.ly/2lYiCRo
I’m also doing livestreaming on Periscope at @ScottAdamsSays. And I’ll be doing more live content on Facebook soon as well.
The live-streaming video stuff is all beta-quality production values as I work through the learning curve. I’m doing most of the research and tech myself as part of building my talent stack. (Plus, it’s crazy fun.)

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