Monday, May 2, 2016

FAST Tuesday

Principles, truth, kindness, and decency or those who deal in greed, hate, anger and fear.
Tuesday Indiana is making its choice. All will be counted. It strikes me as an important "coincidence" that the election will be held just a few days after the anniversary of the original covenant.
I have asked for this in the past and was mocked. It is okay.
I would like to ask that you, your family and friends join me for a day of prayers, fasting and humility. To beg the Lord to not remove His hand from us. To turn to Him and ask that He will heal our land.
Beginning Monday night and running for 24 hours ending on Tuesday will you pray and if possible fast like you have never done before?
"Cry out to Him". Join me and my family in praying and fasting for our nation and our God to look down and forgive us of our misguided ways.
"Help us Lord to return to you and have the bravery to do the hard thing - to Trust in You and to do our part by standing firm in the eternal truths that Got us here in the first place."
Let us renew our covenant with Him and as George Washington did and humbly seek his face, guidance and protection.

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