Sunday, May 15, 2016


Pro-Trump?  Anti-Trump?  Pro-GOP?  Anti-GOP?  Pro-Conservative?  Anti-Conservative?  Who the heck knows anymore?  Trump’s ascendancy has caused normally staid, solid, and scholarly conservatives to become wildly partisan for or against Trump.
I was listening to someone explain a seizure yesterday, and he described it as all the neurons firing simultaneously and randomly.  American conservatives are having a seizure.
Anyway, I thought I’d consolidate in one place some of the differing viewpoints about Trump and about how best to serve America over the long haul.  As you know, my hot buttons are the Supreme Court; the Second Amendment; Israel’s security, because it’s the right thing to do and because Israel is the world’s “canary in a coal mine”; and naming and then fighting the evil that is fundamentalist, radical Islam. With those hot buttons front and center, I’ve switched from #NeverTrump, which was my position when the primaries were contested, to #NeverHillary.
My dream candidate is, and has been since 2013, Ted Cruz, but that dream is dashed.  Here, in reality-land, I believe that the Republican party is dead whether or not Trump wins, and that conservativism needs to be re-taught to Americans from the ground up, just as they were taught Leftism from the ground up over the past 40 years, with the Leftist takeover of American education, news, and entertainment. If Hillary gets to appoint Supreme Court justices, destroy the SecondAmendment, abandon Israel, and take policy advice from the Muslim Brotherhood figures who surround her (and even sleep with her for alleged health reasons) I think America will be too destroyed ever to rebuild.
I’ve assembled here a good collection of pro and con posts about Trump’s candidacy.  I have no idea if reading all of them will clarify things for you or further confuse you, but they are all interesting:
The brilliant Kurt Schlichter:  Hillary is much worse than Trump, so clutch the barf bag and vote for Trump.
The brilliant Maggie Gallagher:  Trump has already abandoned the culture wars by accepting the Progressive narrative; he’s the economic equivalent of Herbert Hoover; and he’s utterly untrustworthy.
The brilliant Bruce Kesler:  Hillary will be worse than Trump ever could be, and our loyalty must lie with protecting America, not with protecting the GOP.
The brilliant David French:  Trump’s core values on just about everything are progressive, and he is often a grotesque and cruel conspiracy theorist.
The brilliant Jonah Goldberg:  Trump is heading a non-conservative cult of personality, and major Republican figures are deliberately falling head-first into its hellish vortex.
The brilliant Bruce Thornton:  The fight over Trump obscures the real issue, which is America’s looming financial crisis, something that is much worse than anyone will acknowledge.
The brilliant Ron Radosh:  Trump is a dangerous nationalist, protectionist, bent on destroying true Republican conservativism; at least we know what we’re getting with Hillary.
The brilliant Steven Hayward:  If the American government had stuck to its real job instead of sticking its nose and our money into everything, everywhere, we wouldn’t be having Trump or Bernie moments.
The brilliant David Horowitz:  We’re still recovering from the damage Jimmy Carter did, and that’s despite Reagan’s efforts at repair.  Do we really want to repeat the experiment with Hillary in the hope that something better comes along afterward?
The brilliant David P. Goldman, aka Spengler:  I wanted Cruz, but since I can’t have him, the hard fact is that, no matter how bad Trump is, Hillary is infinitely more dangerous on three of the most important issues:  the culture wars, the existential war against Islamism, and the economy.
The brilliant James Taranto:  Members of the #NeverTrump movement are starting to sound like the kind of shrill, angry, derogatory people they’ve always despised.
The brilliant Larry Correia:  Trump, who is awful, will be destroyed, so accept a Hillary presidency, which will also be awful.  We’re screwed.

The brilliant Zombie:  If you hate Trump, wait until you see the other Trump haters.  Zombie has a photo essay of the creatures who crawled out of rocks to protest Trump during a recent appearance in the Bay Area.  [Bookworm here:  Looking at these protesters, I’m inclined to think “whatever you’re against, I’m for.”  Indeed, when a stupid, anti-American, hard-Left young Swede of my acquaintance said he loathes Trump, it actually made me want to run out that very second and vote for Trump..]

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