Saturday, April 20, 2019

Tolerance : The Left's Definition


Grenell: Buttigieg’s “pushing a hate hoax” like Jussie Smollett.
Grenell wondered where all the calls for tolerance from the gay community have gone. Grenell, himself in a same-sex marriage, laments that their goals used to be tolerance. That doesn’t mean enforcing sameness on everyone, Grenell argues, noting that he disagrees with people he admires but doesn’t expect them to conform to his point of view.

“We were the ones saying everyone should be able to accept and love each other,”

Grenell recalls. “Now, suddenly, there’s a whole community of people who are demanding that we all think alike. I think it’s outrageous.”

Grenell’s correct that tolerance has gone from its original meaning to an Orwellian term on the Left for enforcing groupthink and silencing any dissent.
Yes, he is.
Related (From Ed): The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler writes, “we conclude there is little evidence that Pence supported conversion therapy, especially given the discussion concerning the Ryan White bill at the time. Media citations on this issue should be more careful in how they reference it.”
As Stephen Miller tweets, “I mean what was the rush here? Why not just wait a few years and let a narrative take hold before checking something like this?”

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