Thursday, July 28, 2016

Obama's "Transformation" Accomplished

Obama’s Age of Discord

He has achieved most of his progressive agenda. So why is America so unhappy?


“President Obama said in 2008 that he wanted to be the reverse Ronald Reagan, and in one sense he has been. As he takes the Democratic stage in Philadelphia Tuesday he can rightly claim to have fulfilled most of his major progressive policy goals. The difference is the results.After eight years of Reagan, the Cold War was on the way to ending and the U.S. economy had grown by the size of Germany. Mr. Obama is leaving to his successor a world of spreading disorder and a country as economically anxious and more politically polarized than he inherited.
Even opponents of Mr. Obama’s agenda have to admit that he has achieved most of what he campaigned on…
Democrats will cheer all of this, yet they might stop to ask themselves whyamidso much progressive success, the country is so frustrated and miserable. WhenReagan left office the U.S. mood was buoyant and Americans celebrated immigration as a point of national pride. The political turmoil of the 1970s had vanished.
As Mr. Obama leaves office, the national mood is more sour than at anytime since the 1960s. The polls say some two-thirds of the voters think the country is on the “wrong track,” and a majority say they expect their children to do less well financially than they did…”
And every moment of it…every single moment…was deliberate!

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