Random thoughts on the passing scene:
Many people take pride in defying the conventions of society. Those
conventions of society are also known as civilization. Defying them
wholesale means going back to barbarism. Barbarians with electronic
devices are still barbarians.
After the government shutdown crisis, the one thing that Congressional
Democrats and Republicans finally agreed on was to kick the can down the
road a few more months, so that we can go through all this again -- and
perhaps again after that.
One of the best peace speeches I ever read was one delivered back in
the 1930s -- by Adolf Hitler! He knew that peace speeches would keep the
Western democracies from matching his military buildup with their own,
or attacking him to prevent his buildup from continuing. Peace speeches
by Iran today serve the same purpose of buying time -- until they can
create a nuclear bomb.
President Obama really has a way with words, such as calling the
problems that millions of people have had trying to sign up for
ObamaCare "glitches." When the Titanic sank, was that a "glitch"?
Among the painful signs of our time are TV programs built around
paternity tests. Apparently the way these women live, it is anybody's
guess who their child's father might be.
Don't you love it when a politicians says, "I take full
responsibility"? Translated into plain English, that says, "Now that I
have admitted it, there is nothing more for me to do (such as resign)
and nothing for anyone else to do (such as fire me)." Saying "I take
full responsibility" is like a get-out-of-jail-free card in the Monopoly
No one seems as certain that they know what the Republicans need to do
to win presidential elections as those Republicans who have lost
presidential elections, such as Mitt Romney, John McCain and Bob Dole.
Moreover, people take them seriously, and seem not to notice that what
the losers advocate is the opposite of what won Ronald Reagan two
landslide election victories.
If you believe in equal rights, then what do "women's rights," "gay
rights," etc., mean? Either they are redundant or they are violations of
the principle of equal rights for all.
One of the painfully sobering realizations that come from reading
history is the utter incompetence that is possible among leaders of
whole nations and empires -- and the blind faith that such leaders can
nevertheless inspire among the people who are enthralled by their words
or their posturing.
The one thing that the national debt ceiling does not do is put a
ceiling on the national debt. It just provides political melodrama when
the existing ceiling is repeatedly raised to accommodate ever higher
Those who want to "spread the wealth" almost invariably seek to
concentrate the power. It happens too often, and in too many different
countries around the world, to be a coincidence. Which is more
dangerous, inequalities of wealth or concentrations of power?
President Obama said to the world that Bashar Assad's days as ruler of
Syria are numbered. All our days are numbered but Assad will probably
still be ruling Syria on Obama's last day in the White House.
Parole is just another way of lying to the public -- in this case,
lying about the time that convicted criminals will spend behind bars.
Suspended sentences are another form of make-believe punishment to
mollify the public.
Writing about the Habsburg Empire, distinguished British historian Paul
Johnson said, "Every reform created more problems than it solved." That
was not peculiar to the Habsburg Empire. The same could be said of
modern welfare states, and especially our own ObamaCare.
Because many of us make mistakes that can have bad consequences, some
intellectuals believe that it is the role of government to intervene and
make some of our decisions for us. From what galaxy government is going
to hire creatures who do not make mistakes is a question they leave
One of the reasons it has taken so long for some people to finally see
through Barack Obama is that people do not like to admit, even to
themselves, that they have been played for fools by a slick-talking
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